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OTC 25-Ton Electric Oil Filter Crusher Pro-Crush 25-Ton Electric Oil Filter Crusher Pro-Crush This High Speed Heavy-Duty/Automotive Oil Filter Crusher with 25 tons of crushing force is ideal for automotive filters and big heavy-duty filters (up to 15-1/4in. long and 6in. in diameter) are crushed in just 8 to 1 seconds.
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Manual Oil Filter Crusher. ... OTC Equipment Oil Change Tools and Lisle Oil Filter Crushers … OTC 1896 HS 25 ton capacity oil filter crusher, OTC 1877 HD 25 ton capacity oil filter crusher, … With this kit you can convert from manual to automatic operation. Drum, Can, Pail, Oil Filter Crushers/Compactors ...
Additional questions can be directed to the OTC Technical Services Department. Parts List & Operating Instructions Oil Filter Crusher Side View Form No. 102725 Sheet No. SPX Corporation 2 of 8 Rev. C, 1-15-03 Issue Date: Parts List & Operating Instructions Form No. 102725, Sheet 2 of 8, Back Item No.
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