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I found this wheel only after about a week of online searches trying to go to a wider wheel for a Jeep Renegade. It was the ONLY wheel that had the lug spacing and offset I needed, although I steel needed 1 inch spacers in order for the wheel to clear the front calipers, but I assumed that. They ...
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Franchise Description: American Dairy Queen Corporation (ADQ), the franchisor, offers single unit and multiple unit franchises for the operation of DQ Grill & Chill restaurants at authorized locations. A DQ Grill & Chill restaurant is a quick service food restaurant with seating from which franchisees will sell the full line of approved soft ...
DESIGN. With sportier design cues and a powerful, muscular stance, the Range Rover Sport is designed for impact. Cleaner and more dynamic, there’s a contemporary feel everywhere you look — from the distinctive Range Rover Sport grille and redesigned hood vents to the refined yet sporty wheel options.
The Univox logo was on the upper right corner of the grille on a large piece of plastic. The cabinet was covered in charcoal-flecked tolex with white beading, with a grey grillcloth. Front-mounted controls included two inputs, volume, tone, tremolo with speed and intensity, plus footswitch jack with footswitch.
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